Saturday, October 4, 2008


"i am taking you back to an October night in 2005.
in the distance that I was traveling and looking for auroras,
the cafe peanut butter bread was not bad at all.
waiting there in the cold night,
in my loneliness,
i started singing a james taylor song.

you gotta wake up men, the northern lights are just amazing.

i started to take a picture,
i didn't have any more time for a james taylor song.

the red, blue, purple, and orange were unusually rich and vivid.
i was stunned.
they were more active and brilliant than I have ever seen.
it was a purely magical and spiritual moment,
i felt that I had witnessed the creator's work so closely.

the lights danced for me,
and the curtains shimmered like a rainbow for two hours,
until they quietly dimmed and slipped behind the stage,
bowing their goodbyes, how humbled, yet honored I was at this special night.

if you have never seen the aurora borealis,
i so hope you will be lucky enough to see them for yourself."

Modified by Vin